Baby Battles

All winter long, William has been putting things on his head like it is his job. Hats, lids, hammers, blocks, socks. He puts them all up there. 
But sunglasses? No. Yesterday was a bright, warm (80 degrees!) Monday. We went to the park to swing and slide and took Lola for a big, long walk around our neighborhood and soaked up the warmth and vitamin D, and Will sneezed... a lot. Not because of any allergies but because of the sun. Ever since Will was a little bitty baby, he has always sneezed when the sun got in his eyes. Can any of you other blue-eyed beauties relate? I haven't gone as far as Googling or talking to our pediatrician (like those are the same... ha!), but I think there might actually be some health benefits (in addition to how cool he looks) to him sporting some sunnies. But no matter how hard I tried, Will felt that his sunglasses were better for holding and chewing. And so begins the war of the sunglasses. My prediction is that if you meet us at the park or come swim with us at the pool this summer, you will hear a lot of, "God Bless You"s and "Gesundheit"s.

Also, I'm really excited about warm weather because it means I can give up on the sock battles... for the most part. 

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